Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas peeps!! :))

Good morning everybody!! :)) right now is 10am, on Christmas Day and we are finished taking a bunch of pictures with my family and we have all opened our presents! :)) I received a sweater from Aeropostale and some socks to warm me up in the winter! :) I'm quite happy; not just about the presents.. But as I've grown older i feel as if I don't really want much anymore; I just want to be with my family and lead a successful, exciting and fulfilling life! ^^ but I still enjoy surprises like gifts and cards from family and or friends! Plus, I still love shopping and stuff! Haha ! Anyway, I hope you are spending your Christmas well! ^^
Also, please keek me! Nicolekok33 is the username! :) it's a new social network I'm using and it's almost like Instagram and twitter but you record videos (max 36 seconds each video) and upload them for the world to see:) it's quite interesting so if you don't have one, make a keek account and follow and subscribe me! :) very mic appreciated if you do! I'd follow back and subscribe if I find your videos interesting to me! :)) well, see you and wish you and is all luck! :)

Sunday 23 December 2012

Winter brake! ;)

Aloha! Haha~ how are you and how is your winter break so far? Mine is alright. Lots of stuff to do! I'm just getting started! So far I've studied 2 chapters of Bio! Still need to get it in my head though! Plus I have to review everything for the final in January. Along with Bio, I have to study for Chem and Social Studies! Plus we have a Chinese project! TT" I'm also meeting up with a lot of my friends.. 2 of them came back from Vancouver, I'm going to meet with one at Kingsway Mall tomorrow at noon! I need to buy a camera! Probably from Sears! And I'm meeting with he other friend another day to watch a movie! Hope it all works out! Anyway, I also have to practice piano ( been pushing the practicing to this break)! I also have a couple of crochet projects to finish and start on! I also haven't finished handing out Christmas presents! Grr....I'm going to try and finish everything this break while also having fun and balancing out my health with all this! Haha! Well I'm studying for Bio right now and it's Saturday, Dec.22,2012(btw made through dec21 haha!!), 10:40pm! But I don't have access to the Internet now so I will probably post this later on! Wish me good luck and happy holidays to you and your family! :)

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Sweet 16 (continued)!

Hey! Now thinking back to back then brings back happy memories! *sigh* anyway, the rest of the afternoon was alright! At lunch I went to distribute yearbooks but sadly my crush already got his yearbook (I think he sent someone to get if for him after school)! :( oh well! If we have 緣份we will meet! Destiny will bring us together if we have the chance. ^^ anyway, after lung was chemistry and my friend, Jordyn blurted out to the teacher that it was my birthday and the whole class sang happy birthday to me. :) happy! Haha !! And social studies went alright. After school, my friend Selena have me a card (birthday card with lots of my friends signature!) ^^ and a $15 iTunes gift card! Yay~ after that, when I got home I had to change into my dress or big band dinner and dance! It was a black and white polka dot dress. :)) then mom helped me and Kim put on makeup- eyeliner and mascara. Also lip gloss. My friend walked to my house (unexpected -,-") and the house was so messy.. Omg... Jeez... At least tell us! :( then our other friend came to pick us up and it was funny cuz we kept going back to their house since they kept forgetting stuff! At last, we arrived and got food! My plate was full! :) coleslaw salad and lettuce salad, carrots and corn, macaroni and cheese perrogies, slice of beef, hotdog slices and meatballs! Mashed potato and gravy~~~ mmmmm! I'm lovin' it! Haha! Then I had two slices of a cake-delicious!!!! It was strawberry with chocolate and it was a cheesecake too! Omgg it was delicious! Plus I had punch! Yum! Then the band students played and me and all my friends danced! It was so fun! ^^ It was a great day though when we were heading back I left my iPod on y friend's van and I just got it back yesterday afternoon! Haha, fun day though! Happy birthday to me! ^^ thanks for listening! Brightened my mood! :)

Friday 14 December 2012

16th birthday so far (the beginning)

Hey guys! Good morning! Right now is 10:50am, Mountain Time! The weather outside is alright with white clouds and maybe a little touch of sun! Snow is covering the scenery and school's just going regularly. Last night I went to the new house to sleep and this morning easily got a seat (with a friend) on the 150. Ah... Beautiful! ;) but in bio today my lips kept bleeding... Ugh! And the bio teacher was teaching us a new unit. - blood cells ! Plus he was talking about how to stop bleeding! Awkward!!! Ugh! Plus we had a test on the heart and I memorized the parts of the heart but not everything else ... So I really hope I did well on the test!! ^^/ wish me good luck! Now I'm eating my lunch... Macaroni ! Mmmmm! Plus my iPod is running out of batteries! Agh! Well today is going to be a long day! Sheesh! Wish me good luck! Plus theres big band dinner and dance starting at 5pm! Hope the bus won't crash into a car today like yesterday or anything unlucky to happen... Wish me good luck!!!!! Thank you! More update soon!

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Appreciate what you have

Good morning! ;) life is going well for me and today I just want to discuss about something I watched last night on the TV. Last night me and my family was watching some dramas then there was a show about people setting up "stores" in the streets, trying to earn some money. In addition, they don't have a government approval for this, so when they hear the police coming they need to be quick to escape before they get caught and risk their items being confiscated and or paying a fine. The setting was in Hong Kong but I'm pretty sure this is happening in many other places. They told some "store owners'" stories, about them having some children and how they need to raise their family, support the children to go to University for studying. One man had to set up stands to sell clothes for his 3-year old daughter and his wife. He was fired from his cleaning job because he was growing old. Therefore he had no choice but to start selling items. Furthermore, his right ear is 50% deaf. After watching this show I felt so touched an felt that we all take everything for granted. Examples of modern day: taking for granted the rights we have. World War 1, technically ended in 1911, now we celebrate Remembrance Day on November 11 to honor the soldiers who fought for our rights and freedoms. Canada now has Human Rights and Freedoms, but other places, such as Iraq are still fighting for their rights. I think we should all appreciate what we have and when we can, try to help others in need.

Anyway, thanks for tuning in to listen haha! Have a great day ;)

Saturday 10 November 2012

A Simple Saturday... Ish

Hey! As I am typing up this blog onto my iPod, my 2nd younger sister is giving me weird looks (also tried to take pics of us together but failed!!! ( ̄Д ̄)ノ sigh whatevers, she can't enjoy and be grateful of the sister binding time we have!! Huh! Anyway, we are currently on the bus-11 to Clareview. Specifically to Londonderry Mall for our piano lessons (I cancelled yesterday's lesson)! We are going to learn and teach piano for like 3 hours (2pm to 5pm). Right now is 12:41pm so I think we'll have around an hour left so we can go to the library an use free wifi or the computer!! Too bad I placed many holds on anime DVD movies in the CastleDowns Public Library.. So when we head back home we'll add that to one of our stops when bussing! Good citizens and friends of Mother Earth!! Haha :) you know it! Anyway, me, sister and my younger brother went to swimming lessons just now and it was alright for me... I mostly enjoyed playing the game WaterPolo! It's so fun haha and it helps get rid of embarrassing moments for me when I almost drown in the deep end or when I'm doing a move incorrect.. :/ anyway, hope piano will go good! Hopefully when I get home I'll also get enough time for my homework! Yay! ^^# well talk to you later! (Almost at the mall and will post this at the library)!

P.S. this was supposed to be posted like a few days ago (Saturday, November 10, 2012... Something screwed it over... Whoops haha) ;p

Thursday 8 November 2012

Happy Day~

Hello! Good afternoon guys! ^^ how are you guys? I'm in Chinese class right now! Haha! It's fun... Ish since its the last class of Day B and our Chinese could care less about what we do! ^^ we all do our homework or study for tests and more... Sometimes he teaches and gives us tests and stuff ! Like for example, today we're supposed to have our Chinese unit test but it's cancelled since half of the class is gone for the bio 35 field trip to Calgary Zoo (lucky but haha to them because the road is in poor condition due to the snowstorm yesterday!) and he said the printing machine is down! :pp right now in Chinese class we're watching a Chinese movie (in Cantonese) but nobody is really watching! Hehe I'm just on my iPod... Back to the blogging world! XD so Lon time no talk guys and I'll be sure to update more frequently and share my life with you lovely followers (friends)! I also have to remember to show you guys some pictures from China and talk more about the trip! ^^
anyway, yesterday's snowfall sure caused a lot of problems! Poor road conditions and there was over 200 cases in Edmonton!! Argh! Plus many people were late for school or absent! It took my bus like 30 minutes to get out of my neighborhood and like 1 hour 20 minutes to get to school! I was supposed to arrive at school at 8:2am, instead I arrived at 9:45am! Crazy weather! To make things worse, I was standing in the cramped crowded bus for like almost 2 hours! Sour legs... The bus was moving like 5 inches a minute oh my gosh! >"< ! Also, I got home at 5:30pm last night... It's getting dark fast.. Today was better.. ;) anyway I will talk to you soon!

Sunday 10 June 2012

The Qingdao China trip

yay, so I`m going to vacation, so I should be excited and happy right?? Urgghh... we have to fill out some application forms and stuffs, but that`s not the big deal! I saw they also sent the email to some other people who I don`t want to mention! Don`t even want to think about them!! They piss me off greatly and I know I shouldn`t let them affect me, right? Just thinking about some people make me feel sick.. back stabbers, betrayers, fake people... all of a sudden I wish I never wanted to go to this trip... but it`s too late.. I feel sick to my stomach... :( man.. .. oh right, this is the last week of school! Yay! Exams start next week = = ;`( i hope I get at least A  ! ! !

Saturday 9 June 2012

Awards Ceremony, Carnival for Cure, etc!!

Hihihihi!!! :D Sorry for not blogging for SUCH a long time!! I'm so guilty and now I have a whole BUNCH of stuff to tell you about!!! >"< i regret!! so much! So anyway, what happen... first was Awards Ceremony! It was really awesome!! I was so glad I went!! :D :) ^^ It wasn't so bad! All we did when we got on the stage was just shake hands with 2 teachers and that was it! No stage fright, no nothin' man! i bet my grandma and Mom and everyone else was disappointed though that that was the only thing that happened... after that we got our certificates and a dogtag! :P i should take a pic. of the dogtag for you guys another time! I forgot. xD Anyway, I got Honours!! Could've gotten Honours with Distinction though if I were smarter... aw.. oh well! I'm still a little proud of myself! ^^Anyway, we had some little refreshments and stuffs and I took home 2 vases.. o_O loool!! ahhaaha, free stuff! asiaaan alert! x) I also found out that one of my Hong Kong friends' Aunt was my lil bro's chinese teacher!! ZOMG. hahahah! Anyway, here are some pics of the Awards Ceremony! Took so less!
 Me and 3 other friends at the small gym for food~
At the large gym! :)

Really fun! I was so glad I went and I'll go for the years to come too!!

   Next day was Carnival for Cure! Awesome since we could get 2 hours of Lunch and miss class times too!! It was also really fun!! I bought popcorn from the popcorn sale, volunteered to help at the Ice Cream Sale (2nd shift but kinda ditched near end xD), got free food from barbeque (hot dog, orange soda pop, ketchup lays chips)! Also watched some eXCITING events such as the Dunk Tank with the teachers and the Pie Throwing at the teachers!! Really fun and awesome! Raised a LOT of money for Cure of Cancer!! I really hope it would help!!!! ^-^
Today me and my brother went to the Downtown library since he had tutoring and I did some studying on Math. Ughh! Finals!! Stressing me out!! I procrastinated a little and played on this computer.. kids' section.. I'm so bad...only for 12 years and under.. haah

Terrible! anyway, went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner and bought boots! :) ^^ I like! High heels included mang! xDD

So.. by the way for english we had to read a poem: "The Other Me" by Ray Bradbury. My visual illustration:
It is about the "facade" (meaning: imposing or appearance) has a talent of writing poems, but he feels that he is not actually writing, instead, he feels he is taking the credit from his talent side (the phantom)! It's a pretty good poem when you understand it... by Ray Bradbury who died a few days ago on the age of 91 or was it 81 I think. R.I.P. to him! I love his stories! Including "The Veldt" and "Fahrenheit 451" (actually I didn't read Fahrenheit 451 yet.. I will soon because lots of people say it's good...)
Well talk to you later! Thunder and lightning is going on!! Going to sleep soon!! ^_^Bye!

Saturday 2 June 2012


Stress... it's a topic everyone probably would go like "ugh!" when they hear it! Why? What is stress? Well, it's simply when you are undergoing pressure... everything coming all at once and you have to finish everything to the best of your ability before a deadline. Sorry, that's my definition and I know it's not the best.. but just a little something out there. Why do people dislike it? Well because in a limited of time you have to complete lots of stuff OR stress could be about just one BIG thing, pissing you off! Ugh! For me right now... I have finals coming up and a piano exam, etc., etc.!
- I feel for this poor guy
Anyway, what's good or bad about stress? Huh? You ask me? Well.... stress is important in our everyday lives! Though too much or too little isn't really a good thing. If you are undergoing a lot of stress, then you might damage yourself physically, socially, and psychologically. Example, getting less sleep, eating less, (leads to an unhealthy body), plus you could won't have as much energy, which is extremely important! People might also become super moody and unhappy all the time, and hey, why would you want to live such a sad life? If you have a lot of stress, try and slow down, take a deep breath sometimes and just relax.. like go outside for a nice brisk walk, enjoy the sun, or maybe pour yourself a cup of water and read some magazines or books! OR watch dramas or listen to some music! Also, try and deal with everything one at a time instead of a whole chunk of stuff all at once!
        Okay, now you heard about all this you might go like, "YEAH, stress is totally NOT cool!" but stress is also needed in life too! It's what makes you grow, learn, and become a better person too! You don't want to live a life where you just simply sleep, play, and eat at home daily do you? That's not a perfect life.. in fact, there are no perfect life! And that's what makes it so perfect... er, unique! I gotta say, some stress is good for you! It makes you function, work and after you finish it you just go "whew!" and it's time for CELEBRATION!! :D

     Anyway, I'm just saying, don't go overboard with stress and try to deal with some though! Hope your life will improve!!

  So, wanna know what I'm stressed about? School, homework, peers, identity, life, family, piano, etc., etc., but I try to make my life the best and not be worried because of all these little things! ... because everything is happening all in this one world. We are just a little part of this one HUGE galaxy! Relax and calm yourself down. All problems can be solved if you try!

                                    GUESS WHAT? I'm going on a scholarship trip with my sister to Qingdao China! Is it confirmed yet? Uh... not really.. BUT I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! I do hope it is available.. otherwise, well.. I can still make the best out of the summer without it I guess... just keep smiling and keep up with that beautiful positive attitude (; You can do it!